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Election Laws

The information provided is intended as a reference to the election laws of Hawaii. Information contained on this website was extracted from the U.S. Constitution, Constitution of the State of Hawaii, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and Hawaii Administrative Rules. It should not be construed to constitute legal advice or authority. Readers should consult the Hawaii Revised Statutes and other sources for a complete and legal basis of the law or seek assistance from a licensed private attorney.

U.S. Constitution Excerpts

U.S. Constitution Excerpts

Help America Vote Act (HAVA)

The Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) is a package of reforms that ensure meaningful access to the democratic process for all citizens. View full text.

HAVA requires each State to develop a long-range plan for implementing the Act’s provisions and access the federal funds needed to ensure compliance. View the Hawaii State Plan for HAVA Implementation. For additional information about HAVA, please visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

Filing a Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Complaint

Any person who believes a violation of Title III of HAVA has occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur, may file a complaint. You must file the complaint in writing, and it must be notarized, signed, and sworn by the complaint filer.

Complaints should be mailed to:

Office of Elections
802 Lehua Avenue
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782

Hawaii State Constitution Excerpts

Hawaii State Constitution Excerpts

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Chapter 10: Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Chapter 11: Elections, Generally
Chapter 12: Primary Elections
Chapter 13: Board of Education
Chapter 13D: Board of Trustees, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Chapter 14: Presidential Elections
Chapter 14D: Agreement among the states to elect the president by national popular vote
Chapter 15: Absentee Voting
Chapter 16: Voting Systems
Chapter 17: Vacancies
Chapter 19: Election Offense
Chapter 25: Reapportionment
Chapter 50: Charter Commissions

Hawaii Administrative Rules

Elections Commission (Chapter 3-170) 
Office of Elections (Chapter 3-177)

No representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of said extracts or whether they are current, as amendments to the law frequently occur and errors may occur during the extraction process. Additionally, be advised that some pages may contain links to external internet sites established by other entities. The Office of Election does not maintain, review, or endorse these sites and is not responsible for their content.

Users of this website who detect errors are requested to send a note, citing the section reference and the nature of the error to:
Office of Elections
802 Lehua Avenue
Pearl City, Hawaii 96782
[email protected]

Last Updated on July 11, 2024