
Posted on Jul 10, 2020 in Main

View the Proclamation. The text of the proclamation is below: AMENDED PROCLAMATION             WHEREAS, the proclamation, issued on May 15, 2020, included a statement that the Board of Registration of the City and County of Honolulu shall sit in the Hawaii State Capitol, from 7:00 a.m. until the close of voting, on August 8, 2020 ...
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Notice is given that the Chief Election Officer, under the authority of section 11-4, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”), and pursuant to Chapter 91, HRS, and Chapter 3-171, Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”), will hold a public hearing to afford all interested persons an opportunity to submit oral or written testimony on the proposed repeal of HAR, ...
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Election security is of great importance for election officials and voters alike. The 2020 Primary Election will be the first statewide election conducted by mail and no traditional polling places will be opened. Instead, all voters will automatically receive a ballot in the mail. One of the many ways we ensure the integrity and security ...
Read More Sign, Sealed, and Counted – Securing your Vote

Voting Comes to You

Voting Comes to You

Posted on Dec 23, 2019 in Blog

Voting. Many of us who hear that word conjure up images of voters at polling places casting their ballots. This has defined voting in Hawaii for years, however, starting in 2020, voting in Hawaii will be shifting to a new model. The passage of Act 136 earlier this year implements elections by mail. Voting now ...
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Implementing Elections by Mail

Posted on Nov 14, 2019 in Main

November 20, 2020 – Act 136, Session Laws 2019 requires the Office of Elections to submit a report to the Legislature addressing the office’s progress in implementing elections by mail. View the report here. November 13, 2019 – The Office of Elections presented at a joint informational briefing by the Senate Committee on Judiciary and ...
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