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Registering to Vote

Voter registration is available online, as a part of driver licenses and state ID applications with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), or by completing a Voter Registration Application. Paper applications through the DMV and Voter Registration Application must be submitted by 4:30 PM on the tenth day before each election. 

Primary Election: July 31, 2024
General Election: October 28, 2024

The County Elections Divisions provide same day registration at voter service centers. New Hawaii voters can register and vote in-person. Similarly, registered Hawaii voters can update their voter registration and vote in-person. 

For purposes of registering to vote, there is no address-matching requirement. If your Hawaii Driver License or Hawaii State ID contains an old address, the ID is still acceptable, and you may use the ID number to complete the voter registration application. The ID is used to verify your identity not your residence or mailing address.

You are only required to provide additional proof of identification if all of the following apply: (1) you are registering to vote for the first time in the State of Hawaii; (2) you are mailing in the application and; (3) you are unable to provide a Hawaii Driver License, Hawaii State ID, or Social Security Number on the  application.

Proof of identification includes a copy of:

  • A current and valid photo ID; or
  • A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the applicant’s name and address.

A residential address is required when  completing the Voter Registration Application to determine your voting district. The address can be any identifiable location in the county that  describes the voter’s physical location. If the residence does not have a street address, you may provide descriptors including cross streets or landmarks.

You may indicate P.O. Box or alternate mail service mail service option, including general delivery, as your mailing address on the application.

Hawaii also provides same day registration at voter service centers.


As a registered voter, you will receive ballot in the mail at least 18 days prior to the election.

Primary Election: July 23, 2024
General Election: October 18, 2024

The ballot is automatically sent to the mailing address provided with your voter registration. 

You also have the option to cast your ballot at any voter service center within your county. This in-person service is available to all voters, and additionally provides same day registration for those who have missed registration deadlines. Voters service centers are open ten (10) days prior to each election.

Click here to view the election calendar for dates and deadlines.

Last Updated on January 18, 2023