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Cast Your Vote in Comfort

2026 Primary Election
  • July 21: Look for your Primary Election ballot packet to be delivered in the mail.
  • July 27: Voter Service Centers are open through Election Day for voter registration and accessible in-person voting. Locations and hours will be announced closer to the election.
  • July 29: Final day for first-time voters to submit a paper Voter Registration Application for the Primary Election.
  • August 8: Primary Election. Voted ballots must be received by 7:00 pm.
2026 General Election
  • October 16: Look for your General Election ballot packet to be delivered in the mail.
  • October 20: Voter Service Centers are open through Election Day for voter registration and accessible in-person voting. Locations and hours will be announced closer to the election.
  • October 26: Final day for first-time voters to submit a paper Voter Registration Application for the General Election.
  • November 3: General Election. Voted ballots must be received by 7:00 pm.
1. Register to vote. Register online or learn about other registration options. If you've moved or changed your name or mailing address, make sure your voter registration information is up to date to continue to receive your ballot.

2. Receive your ballot by mail. Once registered, you will automatically receive a ballot packet at least 18 days before each election. If you don't, contact your County Elections Division immediately.

Before you vote, you can check out the digital voter guide to review statements from the candidates and statements about ballot questions. Visit elections.hawaii.gov.

3. Cast your vote in comfort. Following the instructions on your ballot, mark it carefully, and ensure you sign the return envelope as noted. You may choose to return your ballot by mail using the postage-paid return envelope or look for a convenient ballot drop box within your county.

Require an accessible ballot? If you are blind or have low-vision and are unable to read standard print, you may request an accessible electronic ballot by completing a Voter Registration Application or through the online voter registration system.
1. Before voting, review both sides of the ballot. To vote, darken the boxes of your choice with a black or blue pen. If you make an error, contact your County Elections Division for a replacement ballot.

2. After voting, place your ballot in the secrecy sleeve. Then, place the secrecy sleeve in the return envelope.

3. Read the affirmation statement and sign the return envelope. You must sign for your ballot to be counted. After your signature is validated, your ballot will be counted.
By Mail: Place your voted ballot in the mail using the postage-paid return envelope. Be mindful of USPS delivery times to ensure it is received by the deadline.

By Ballot Drop Box: Drop your voted ballot at a ballot drop box location within your county. Locations and hours will be announced closer to the election.

Voted ballots must be received by your County Elections Divisions by 7:00 pm on Election Day to be counted.
You can check the status of your ballot to see if it has been mailed or received by your County Elections Division here: https://hawaii.ballottrax.net/voter/.

Need to vote absentee?
If you will be away from home during the elections, you can request your ballot be sent to an alternate address. Complete an Absentee Ballot Application and submit it to your County Elections Division no later than 7 days before the election.

Prefer to vote in person?
Voter Service Centers offer in-person accessible voting and voter registration, and are open 10 business days before and on Election Day. Locations and hours will be announced closer to the election.

Contact Us
For information about registering to vote, contact your County Elections Division.
County of Hawaii (808) 961-8277
County of Maui (808) 270-7749
County of Kauai (808) 241-4800
City & County of Honolulu (808) 768-3800

For additional voting information, contact the Office of Elections.
Phone: (808) 453-VOTE (8683)
Toll Free: 1-800-442-VOTE (8683)
TTY: (808) 453-6150
Toll Free TTY: 1-800-345-5915
Email: [email protected]
Website: elections.hawaii.gov

If you require special assistance (i.e. large print, taped materials, etc.) contact the Office of Elections at 453-VOTE (8683).