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Newsletter – November 2024 (Return Your Ballot)


Mail ballots are out, voter service centers are open, and the General Election is well underway! As we approach the final days of voting, here are a few reminders about returning your ballot.

  • Your ballot must be RECEIVED by 7:00 PM on Tuesday, November 5 (Election Day).
  • Postmarks do not count. Ballots postmarked on or before Election Day, yet received after the deadline, will not be counted.
  • Make sure to SIGN your return envelope as instructed. Your signature is required because it’s how we confirm your identity.
    • Be mindful of how long it may take for your ballot to travel through the mail. DO NOT deposit your ballot in the mail on Election Day. Instead, deposit your ballot in any ballot drop box in your county. Visit our Ballot Drop Boxes page for a list of locations.
    • Track your ballot. Sign up for tracking alerts at elections.hawaii.gov. You’ll receive an alert when your ballot has been received, validated, and accepted for counting.
    • And finally, help to hold your community accountable by reminding your friends and family to return their ballot by the deadline!