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Newsletter – November 2023 (Election Announcement)


Thank you for subscribing to the Hawaii Office of Elections newsletter! With the start of the 2024 Election cycle just around the corner, we’re excited to be back in your inbox.

What’s in store for the newsletter?

Every month, we’re bringing you tips, resources, and reminders, making sure that you have everything you need for a successful and stress-free voting season.

Here’s a few releases you can expect:

  • Your voting prep checklist
  • How to track who is running for office
  • Learn how we address your election security concerns
  • Know what your voting rights are
  • Reminders for important election dates and upcoming deadlines

We want to hear from you

We also want to hear from you! What are some topics that you want to learn about? Are there questions about elections that you have? Complete our Newsletter Survey so we can hear about things you’d like to see in future releases.

Save these dates!

Primary Election ballot arrives: Tuesday, July 23

Primary Election Day: Saturday, August 10

General Election ballot arrives: Friday, October 18

General Election Day: Tuesday, November 5

Of course, with Hawaii’s vote by mail elections, our elections don’t take place on just one day. Your voting window really starts once your ballot arrives in your mailbox 18 days before Election Day. Election Day, or what we like to call, the Final Day of Voting (call it that too!), is the absolute last day your ballot can be received for it to be counted. Keep these dates at the top of your mind, so you know when to expect your ballot and when it needs to be received to be counted.

So go ahead and ‘Add to Calendar’, set an obnoxious alarm tone, or mark that desk calendar with bold red ink, whatever you need to do to be sure that when Election Day arrives, your ballot is in!