Newsletter – June 2024 (Absentee Voting)

Posted on Jun 5, 2024 in Newsletters


Being away during the election season doesn’t have to prevent you from casting your vote. With absentee voting, you can request to have your ballot delivered wherever you may be.

Absentee voting is ideal if you are:

  • Attending college out-of-state
  • Traveling for work
  • Going on vacation
  • Temporarily staying in a care facility

Learn more about absentee voting…

When are mail ballots arriving in Hawaii mailboxes?

By default, your ballot will arrive at your Hawaii mailing address 18 days before Election Day. If you plan to be away on or near the dates below, you’ll want to request an absentee ballot so that you receive your ballot without delay.

  • Primary Election ballot arrives: July 23, 2024
  • General Election ballot arrives: October 18, 2024

How do I request an absentee ballot?

It’s simple! Print, complete, and submit an Absentee Ballot Application to your County Elections Division by the deadlines below. You’ll indicate your temporary address on the application. If you need an absentee ballot for both the Primary and General Elections, you can do that as well by checking the Primary and General option on the application.

  • Request your Primary Election absentee ballot by: August 3, 2024
  • Request your General Election absentee ballot by: October 29, 2024

Do I re-apply for an absentee ballot every election?

Yes. Your request for an absentee ballot applies only to the current election year. You are required to submit a new request for every election year that you are away from your registered Hawaii mailing address.

For example, if you are attending school out-of-state, you’ll need to submit an Absentee Ballot Application for every election year that you are away.

How do I get a ballot from my home state?

If you consider yourself a resident of another state, contact their local election office to learn about their absentee voting options. Find your local election office at

When do absentee ballots need to be returned by?

Your voted ballot must be received by 7:00 PM on Election Day to be counted. Mail back your voted ballot as soon as possible since you’ll need to anticipate a longer return time for your ballot to arrive back in Hawaii.