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Newsletter – July 2024 (Voter Registration)


What’s the surest way to a stress-free voting experience this and every election? It all starts with staying on top of your voter registration! By registering to vote well ahead of Election Day, and making a habit of checking that your registration is current, you can be sure that you’ll get your ballot in the mail and avoid the last-minute scramble to cast your vote.

  • Register to vote OR check that your voter registration is current by using the Online Voter Registration System at elections.hawaii.gov.
  • Don’t have a Hawaii Driver License or Hawaii State ID? Submit the paper Voter Registration Application to register and give us a call at (808) 453-VOTE (8683) to check that your registration is current.

Here are some common questions about voter registration:

Do I re-register before each election?

No, once you have registered to vote, you do not have to re-register for each election.

How do I update my voter information (name, address)?

You need to update your registration if you have moved, changed your mailing address, or legally changed your name. All registered voters receive a mail ballot packet at their mailing address, so it’s important that you update your registration. You can update your registration online, or by submitting a Voter Registration Application.

Where’s my “voter card”?

This is a popular question, especially amongst those new to Hawaii. If you were previously registered in another state, you may have been issued a “voter card” or “voter ID” when you first registered to vote. In Hawaii, rather than a “voter card”, you receive a notice in the mail every election year that serves as your confirmation that you are registered to vote.

Ok, so no “voter card”? But I need proof that I’m registered to vote.

Your County Elections Division can help with that! We understand that you might need proof that you’re registered to vote when applying for things such as a P.O. Box or ID. You can request a certificate of your voter registration directly from your local County Elections Division.

How do I change my political party affiliation?

Unlike some states, in Hawaii you do not register by party. If you recall when you registered to vote, the Hawaii application does not ask you for your political party preference. This means there’s no need to make any changes to your voter registration if you decide that you prefer one party over another.

What is party membership and is it tied to my voter registration?

Some political parties require that you become a party member so that you can participate in party specific events such as their presidential caucuses or presidential primary elections. Party membership is not tied to your voter registration, but if you’re interested in learning more about becoming a member of a party, reach out to the local chapter of the party directly. You can find contact information on our Political Parties page.

Can I register to vote on Election Day?

We strongly encourage you to register to vote early so you can experience the ease and convenience of voting from the comfort of home. But in the case that you don’t, you can register at any voter service center in your county.

Here are some time savings tips for in person registration and voting:

  • Don’t wait until Election Day! Voter service centers are open starting 10 business days before Election Day. If you’re planning to vote in person, you’re more likely to beat the crowds and long lines if you visit before Election Day.
  • Register before you visit! Reduce your check-in time by registering to vote before you arrive by using the Online Voter Registration System at elections.hawaii.gov.