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Newsletter – February 2024 (Candidate Filing)


February is an exciting time for us here at the Hawaii election offices. Our office, along with the Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Honolulu Elections Divisions are all gearing up for the start of candidate filing.

What is candidate filing?

Candidate filing is how someone gets their name on the ballot. You may see someone sign-waving in your neighborhood or see their campaign posts on social media, but it isn’t until they have completed the candidate filing process that they are an official candidate in Hawaii’s elections.

Ok, so what is the process?

First, candidates apply for a nomination paper. A nomination paper is an official document used by the candidate to collect signatures of registered voters in their district. The candidate collects the specified number of signatures for their contest, and election officials then verify each signature. Once complete, the candidate takes an oath to certify that they meet the requirements for office.

What are the qualifications?

Qualifications vary for each office, and it’s interesting to dig through each! Elected officials like our U.S. Senators and Honolulu’s Mayor must be at least 30 years old. The Prosecuting Attorney for Kauai must have practiced law for at least three years in Hawaii. You can see a list of the qualifications on the Become a Candidate page.

Why does this matter?

It matters because candidate filing ensures that the candidates who appear on your ballot meet the qualifications to run for office established by Hawaii election law.

When does candidate filing happen?

Begins on February 1, 2024, and goes through June 4, 2024.

What offices are up for election?

There are over 100 seats up for election this year.

For federal offices: President and Vice President, one U.S. Senate seat and two U.S. Representative seats.

For state offices: 13 State Senate seats, 51 State Representative seats, and four trustee seats for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Don’t forget your county contests, which include your Councilmembers and depending on which island you reside, your Mayor and Prosecuting Attorney.

To see the list of offices up for election in 2024, you can visit elections.hawaii.gov.

Where can I keep track of who’s running?

Track who’s running for office through the Candidate Report which is updated daily. Then later this year, hear directly from the candidates with the digital voter guide! The guide will be available at elections.hawaii.gov.

Are you interested in running for office?

You can find a complete guide to running for office on the Become a Candidate page.