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Vacancy in House District 1 to be Filled Pursuant to HRS §17-4

PEARL CITY – Due to the passing of Representative Mark Nakashima on July 11, 2024, the Office of Elections has issued a proclamation as provided for in HRS §11-118. Specifically, because ballots have already been printed, Representative Nakashima will remain on the ballot pursuant to HRS §11-118(c)(3) and votes cast will be counted accordingly.

Furthermore, as Representative Nakashima was the sole candidate for House District 1, he would have been deemed elected after the Primary Election, pursuant to HRS §12-41(a).  The result of this is that a vacancy is deemed to exist in the office and the vacancy is to be filled pursuant to HRS §17-4, which states:

“Whenever any vacancy in the membership of the state house of representatives occurs, the governor shall make an appointment within sixty calendar days following the first day of vacancy to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term by selecting a person from a list of three prospective appointees submitted by the same political party as the prior incumbent.”

The text of the proclamation can be viewed here.


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