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Newsletter – January 2022

The Office of Elections wishes you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!

As you begin to fill your 2022 planner with the year’s birthdays, anniversaries, and many other special dates in between, we encourage you to include a few important election dates as well.


Election Day 

Voted ballots must be received by 7:00 pm 

August 13, Primary Election 

November 8, General Election 

Ballots Arrive in the Mail   July 26, Primary Election 

October 21, General Election 

Voter Registration Deadline 

Only applicable to paper application 

August 3, Primary Election 

October 31, General Election 

Absentee Ballot Request Deadline  August 6, Primary Election 

November 1, General Election  

Voter Service Centers 

Accessible in-person voting, voter registration 

August 1 – 13, Primary Election 

October 25 – November 8, General Election 

Now that you’ve marked your calendar, read on and learn how to set yourself up for an easy, stress-free voting season once the Primary and General Elections roll around.


A new year often means new, exciting beginnings. If you have moved or changed your mailing address, don’t forget to add “Update Voter Registration” to your to do list. In fact, we encourage all voters to check their voter registration to ensure that the information is correct. Ballots are automatically mailed to all voters, so it is important that your voter registration is current.

Quickly and conveniently verify your registration by calling (808) 453-VOTE (8683) or online through the Online Voter Registration System at elections.hawaii.gov. Updates to your residence and mailing addresses may be done through the online system.


Registering to vote for the first time is simple through the Online Voter Registration System at elections.hawaii.gov. With a Hawaii Driver License or Hawaii State ID, you can complete the process entirely online and begin receiving a mail ballot for every election.

Learn more about voter eligibility requirements and other convenient registration options.


Need a refresher on how to vote by mail? Brush up on the process, and review how to mark, prep, and return your mail ballot.

Plans for travel in 2022? Anticipate being away when ballots arrive in the mail? If you’ll be away from your regular Hawaii address, request to have an absentee ballot sent to you. Submit an Absentee Ballot Application, and never miss an election. Learn more about absentee voting.

Please consider sharing this newsletter with friends and family to keep them informed about the upcoming 2022 Elections. Take care and stay safe!

For election and voter information, visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683), toll free at (800) 442-VOTE (8683). Also, follow us @elections808 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Prefer video? Check out our new Hawaii Votes program, where our hosts take you through the information shared in the newsletter. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch our latest episode.


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