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Mail Ballots Delivered to Hawaii Voters

Pearl City, October 18, 2022 – Hawaii voters should expect to receive their mail ballot packet for the 2022 General Election by Friday, October 21. The mail ballot packet contains your official General Election ballot, an optional secrecy sleeve, and a postage paid return ballot envelope. Election officials sent out over 726,000 ballots to Hawaii voters for the General Election.

Election officials note that ballots are only sent to active voters. If you have moved and have not changed your voter registration, you will need to update your record before you can vote in this election. Voters can update their registration online at elections.hawaii.gov or by completing a paper Voter Registration Application found at all state libraries and post offices.

Hawaii voters may return their voted ballot through the US Postal Service, by dropping it off at a ballot drop box, or may visit a voter service center in their county. A list of locations and hours is posted online at elections.hawaii.gov. Voted ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on November 8, 2022.

The Office of Elections would like to share a few reminders about voting in Hawaii.

  • Made a mistake on your ballot – Do not attempt to correct it by crossing it out or using correction tape. Follow the instructions on your ballot to request a replacement ballot.
  • Remember to sign the return ballot envelope. Your signature is required for your ballot to be accepted for counting.
  • No postage required – Return ballot envelopes are pre-addressed and postage is paid for so you can simply drop it in the mail.
  • Track your ballot – Sign up for ballot tracking alerts at elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683) for assistance with enrolling.
  • Assistance is available. If you are in need of assistance with casting your ballot, the following accessible options are available:
    • Request for an alternate format ballot and mark your ballot using your personal compatible device. Visit elections.hawaii.gov to learn more about accessible voting.
    • Visit a voter service center from October 25 through November 8 to cast your vote using accessible voting equipment.

The Office of Elections is offering extended phone hours starting October 22, Monday to Saturday through Election Day, to assist with voter questions. Contact (808) 453-VOTE (8683) or toll-free 1-800-442-VOTE (8683).

For official election and voter information, visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683).


Nedielyn Bueno
Phone: (808) 453-VOTE (8683)
Email: [email protected]