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Candidate Filing Deadline Approaching

PEARL CITY – The deadline to appear on the ballot for the 2024 Elections is Tuesday, June 4, at 4:30 pm. Candidates must file their nomination paper containing the required number of signatures of eligible voters in the district they are running for. Election officials encourage candidates to collect more than the required number of signatures and recommend not waiting until the June 4th deadline to file. For more information on running for office, including where to obtain and file nomination papers, and to view the candidate report, visit elections.hawaii.gov.

As a reminder, the Primary Election is August 10, 2024. Hawaii conducts single party primary elections, which voters must indicate and vote only for candidates in their political preference. The candidates who receive the most votes move on to the General Election to represent their political party. All voters can vote in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and County Contests regardless of political preference.

For all your official election information, visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683). 


(808) 453-VOTE (8683)
[email protected]