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Be A Part of National Voter Registration Day

PEARL CITY, September 21, 2020 – Celebrate National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 by registering to vote or confirming your voter registration for the General Election!

National Voter Registration Day is not just for new voters, but also for current voters to take a moment and check their registration. Voters who move or change their mailing address or name, must update their voter registration.

“Hawaii voters will automatically receive their ballot in the mail. Now is the time to check your information is correct to receive your ballot for the General Election because it cannot be forwarded to a different address,” said Scott Nago, Chief Election Officer.

New Hawaii voters have until October 5 to register so that they will be mailed their ballot for the upcoming election. To register to vote in the 2020 General Election, you must be a U.S. Citizen, Hawaii resident, and at least 18 years old.

Registering to vote or updating your registration can be done online, by mail, or in person.

Online Voter Registration: Hawaii residents can register to vote or update their information online by visiting elections.hawaii.gov. A Hawaii Driver License or Hawaii State ID is required to access the online system.

Register by Mail: Voters can also register by mail. Simply visit elections.hawaii.gov and print a Voter Registration Application. Applications may also be found at your local post offices, libraries, satellite city halls, and most state agencies. Voters should mail completed applications to their County Elections Division. Mailing addresses for each County Elections Division are listed on the application.

Drive-Thru Voter Registration Events: Election officials will be holding drive-thru voter registration events on October 2 and October 5 to assist Hawaii residents to register to vote or update their voter registration from the convenience of their vehicles.


Location:       Hawaii County Building, Parking Lot, Hilo
Malama Market, Pahoa
Safeway, Kona Crossroads
Dates:            October 2 and 5
Hours:           9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Location:        Kahului Shopping Center
Dates:             October 5 only
Hours:            8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Location:        Office of County Clerk, Elections Division (back parking area)
Dates:             October 2 and 5
Hours:            8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Location:        Aloha Stadium (enter through Parking Gate 1 off Salt Lake Blvd.)
Dates:             October 2 and 5
Hours:            7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Hawaii residents who miss the October 5 deadline can still register and vote in the General Election at a voter service center in their County from October 20 through 7:00 pm on Election Day, November 3.

For locations and hours of the voter service centers, to check your voter registration, and for more information about the 2020 Elections, visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683) or toll free at 1-800-442-VOTE.


Nedielyn Bueno
Phone: (808) 453-VOTE (8683)
Email: [email protected]