
Aloha, What’s the surest way to a stress-free voting experience this and every election? It all starts with staying on top of your voter registration! By registering to vote well ahead of Election Day, and making a habit of checking that your registration is current, you can be sure that you’ll get your ballot in ...
Read More Newsletter – July 2024 (Voter Registration)

Aloha, Being away during the election season doesn’t have to prevent you from casting your vote. With absentee voting, you can request to have your ballot delivered wherever you may be. Absentee voting is ideal if you are: Learn more about absentee voting… When are mail ballots arriving in Hawaii mailboxes? By default, your ballot ...
Read More Newsletter – June 2024 (Absentee Voting)

Aloha, For voters with disabilities, read on to learn about Hawaii’s accessible voting services. This guide highlights accessible voting options so that you can decide which voting method works best for you and your individual needs. What Are My Voting Options? Vote at home with a paper ballot Next steps: By registering to vote, you’ll ...
Read More Newsletter – May 2024 (Voting Accessibility)

Aloha, Being election ready means knowing your rights as a voter. Read on to learn more. Your right to the secrecy of your vote Your right to Election Day services Your right to register to vote Your right to vote while away from Hawaii Your right to language assistance Your right to accessible voting and ...
Read More Newsletter – May 2024 (Know Your Voting Rights)

Aloha, Wondering how you can get more involved this election season? We have some ideas! Here are a few ways that you can play a part in making the 2024 Primary and General Elections successful! Spread the word Become the go-to election expert in your group. Know the basics on voter registration and voting by ...
Read More Newsletter – April 2024 (Get Involved)

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