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Accessible Electronic Ballot


An electronic ballot is an alternative ballot that can be marked from a compatible device. This ensures accessibility to allow voters to mark their ballot privately and independently.

Ballots must be received by the County Elections Division by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. The 2022 election dates are:

Primary: August 13, 2022

General: November 8, 2022

Requesting for an electronic ballot

Options to request an electronic ballot are:

  • Online Voter Registration System. Visit elections.hawaii.gov to access the online system. A Hawaii Driver’s License or Hawaii State ID is required to access the system.
  • Voter Registration Application – Complete the paper application and submit it to the County Elections Division.
  • Driver license and State ID applications – Voter registration and the option to sign up for an electronic ballot are included with the driver’s license and state ID applications at the DMV.

Receiving your electronic ballot

Registered voters receive their ballot packet approximately 18 days before each election.

Voters who request an electronic ballot will also be mailed a ballot packet that will allow them to return their ballot by mail as an option.

If you do not receive your ballot, contact your County Elections Division.

Marking your electronic ballot

  1. Mark your ballot according to the instructions for each contest.
  2. Click Check the ballot for mistakes at the bottom of the ballot. A notification will appear alerting you if any available contests were left blank.
  3. Click Show your ballot summary page. Ensure that the summary reflects your selections.

Submitting your electronic ballot

  1. Click Print your Ballot Summary. Ensure the summary prints in its entirety and the barcode is clear.
  2. Print the Waiver of Secrecy and Affirmation Statement and sign.

If you choose not to use the Waiver of Secrecy, you may submit an electronic authentication.

  1. Click Print your Ballot Summary and save your ballot as a PDF instead of sending to a printer.
  2. Click on the Electronic Authentication link found in your email and follow the instruction to submit your signature.
  3. Submit the PDF of your Ballot Summary and PDF of your Electronic Authentication to the email address provided by your County Elections Division.

The ballot summary and signed Waiver of Secrecy and Affirmation Statement or Electronic Authentication must be received by 7:00 p.m., Election Day.

Alternatively, you may return your ballot summary by mail using the return ballot envelope that was mailed to you. Fold your ballot summary and place it in the secrecy sleeve then into the return ballot envelope. Sign the affirmation statement on the return envelope and place it in the mail. Your ballot will not be counted if you fail to sign the affirmation statement.

You may also drop your ballot at a ballot drop box in your county. Visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683) for a listing of ballot drop boxes in your county.

Processing your ballot

If you returned your ballot by email, your County Elections Division will receive it and mark your voter record as voted. Your ballot is then segregated from the electronic authentication and sent to the counting center for counting.

Similarly, if you returned your voted ballot by mail, your record will be marked as voted and your signature will be verified against the signature that is on file with your voter registration record. Once validated, your ballot will be sent to the counting center for counting.

For more information about elections and voting, visit elections.hawaii.gov or call (808) 453-VOTE (8683).