Boards of Registration
The Boards of Registration hear and decide appeals that arise from a voter challenge or a clerk’s decision regarding voter registration.
Each Board of Registration convenes in their respective county on election day. A Board may also convene at the request of the clerk to hear appeals from registered voters and remain convened until all appeals are heard.
There are four Boards of Registration representing the following islands:
- Island of Hawaii
- Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe
- Island of Oahu
- Islands of Kauai and Niihau
Each Board consists of three (3) members appointed by the Governor serving four (4) year terms. In no case shall any Board consist entirely of members of one political affiliation.
Island | Name | Term Expiration Date |
Hawaii | Shawn Merrill | June 30, 2027 |
Hawaii | Vacant | |
Hawaii | Vacant | |
Maui | Linda Puppolo | June 30, 2025 |
Maui | Vacant | |
Maui | Vacant | |
Kauai | Vacant | |
Kauai | Vacant | |
Kauai | Vacant | |
Oahu | Barbara Marumoto-Coons | June 30, 2028 |
Oahu | Sunny Lee | June 30, 2028 |
Oahu | Vacant |
In a case where the clerk refuses to correct the register or refuses to register an applicant, the person may appeal to the Board of Registration.
Any voter who is rightfully in a voter service center, may challenge another voter’s right to vote on the grounds that:
- The voter is not the person the voter alleges to be
- The voter is not entitled to vote in that precinct
Any person so challenged will be given the opportunity to make the relevant correction. Otherwise, the challenge will be considered and decided upon immediately by the clerk and the ruling announced.
Voter challenges not made in a voter service center shall be in writing explaining the grounds upon which it is based and be signed by the person making the challenge. The clerk upon receipt of a written challenge shall investigate and rule on the challenge as soon as possible.
The appropriate Board of Registration hears any appeals to the rulings made by the clerk. Both the challenger and challenged voter has the right to appeal a ruling to the Intermediate Court of Appeals.
Each Board shall keep books of record in which full and detailed minutes shall be preserved of all their proceedings. The minutes shall be kept from day to day and include date and place of meeting, names of members present, the name of each person to whom an oath is administered, name of challenger, the decision of the Board, and all other matters of detail which are likely to have bearing upon the action of the Board or any person appearing before it.
For complete information, please refer to HRS §§ 11-11 through 11-54.
Boards of Registration
c/o Office of Elections
802 Lehua Avenue
Pearl City, HI 96782
Phone: (808) 453-8683
Email: [email protected]
Last Updated on November 8, 2024